Hart & Co. is a boutique creative management agency in Australia representing a small selection of highly skilled creative artists in Photography, Styling and Hair & Makeup. Hart & Co. also offers full service production in both Melbourne and Sydney.

Cory White for TAC

To round out 2021 photographer Cory White and Hart & Co. were commissioned by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne to create a photographic suite of motorcycle accidents for out of home, print and digital.

"We used a stunt team on wires to emulate the fractional moment before an unprotected body
part collides with the bitumen during a crash. This was a technically difficult and visually
striking campaign that I was very excited to make in my visual style , staying as true to in-
camera as possible. Much appreciation to the crew who dragged a 6 x 5 meter scaffolding
rig, purpose built, around the hills for me! And to the stunt folk who let me drop them
repeatedly on the hot bitumen.  Apologies to the team at Yamaha....it wasn’t my fault." - Cory White

Some BTS of how it all came together below.

Produced by Monica Clapcott.
